Originally Posted by TegoshiKawaiiDesu
can you translate this to me in romaji?:
can, but I won`t. If you`re writing to a penpal/anyone really, you`re responsible for doing the work yourself. Stumble through it with what you already know, and look things up when you don`t know them. That`s how you learn.
Ohhhh and on top of tht, um...
about how much money do you think I should save befor going to Japan?
That really depends upon what you are going to be doing, where you are going to be living, etc etc. Obviously, you`ll need money for the plane, and enough money to live and do whatever you plan to do. Until those things are set, I can`t really even give you an estimate.
ok.. ive started to save money from special occasions.. ive done pen pals just incase i need help with going ther and needs to find a temporary home until i can live by myself.. im currently studying japanese though i need a bit of a kiddish explaination since im SOOO young.. younger than you would think because of how i talk in the Death Note thread...
Sorry, I haven`t read that thread (not particularly interested) but you sound pretty young either way.
XD im starting at a young age to give me a lot of time to prepare myself and about 2-3 years after college to organize my plans... ive thought of some back-up jobs i could do seriously after earning enough money from minor jobs i could take wen im just a beginner in japan.. and... thts wer it all ends XD
Are those your plans *until* you come to Japan? Because those are the most important of all the plans - you can pretty much work things out here once you`ve saved the money and gotten here... In fact, I doubt the plans you make without actually being in Japan will come all that close to reality. It just never works that way. However, the plans you make for your current environment are much easier to follow through because of much less unknown.
i heard from my former neighbor tht she went to japan and got bullied several times... is spmething like this really true? she is an old woman.. but she got beaten up.. u can actually see her scars.. v_v im afraid of tht.. and i heard a horrible rumor tht women would b safer if she dresses as a guy at night....
I have definitely never heard of old women being beaten up at night - at least as any sort of regular occurrence. When was this? If it were when she was young, that sounds a lot more plausible. I walk around just fine at night, dressed as my female self, as does pretty much every other woman here. Dressing up as a man at night is a new one to me.
Chances are, you`re safer in Japan than in your own country. That doesn`t mean there is NO crime in Japan, or that bad things don`t happen - it just means that there is most likely a statistically higher chance of something bad happening to you in your own country. (With a few exceptions, like Sweden? I think.)