Oh.. After reading this thread I think this is the correct place to post
I started my own thread but it seems the people I want to talk to are all on this one!
My original thread is about
I want to ask people so much about Japan! I recently went to 尼崎市 near to 大阪市 and I loved everything about my time there.
The reason I made this thread is that I wanted to ask people "How do you move to Japan??" ..I am quite young and I currently have a Japanese fiancé. I want to live in 尼崎市 but reading all about Visas and things, also this is my first time having my own place also I feel I should mention.. 私は外国人です。I have so much to ask.. if you are reading this and live in Japan.. please help me? ..any advice will be much appreciated!
たくさんより "
please help me?