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(#322 (permalink))
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Takushimazu (Offline)
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Location: England
05-30-2007, 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I don`t mind giving more detailed answers. The thing is, you asked a very broad and vague question. There are a million ways you could live in Japan, which means a million answers. What *exactly* would you like to know?
oh.. ok.. I think the best way for me to do that would be to list the questions I want to ask the most. So if you could answer any of these for me then that would help me alot:

*Have you personally been through the Visa process? if so, was it as complicated as it sounds? (Specifically spousal visa)

*Is it easy for young people to find their feet when trying to live independently from their family. (buying a first apartment.. etc..)

*Are mixed race couples generally accepted in Japan? (as much as they are in England for example?)

*How long did it take you to learn Japanese fluently? And also, studying at roughly 2 hours a day, how long would it take for a dedicated student to become fluent in Japanese? (Studying only from books, with some help from a native speaker.)

*Is it difficult for under qualified workers to obtain jobs in Japan? ( I ask this strange question because I am currently an art college student who will be just under degree level when I finish my studies)

*Is it difficult for 外国人 to fit into communities? (As friends/neighbors/co-workers/relatives)

*What problems have you experienced as a direct result of being a 外国人?

I apologize if some of the questions seem strange or clinical, but I thought it a more clear way of wording them.

If you can answer some of them.. even 1.. then... ありがとう
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