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Join Date: Oct 2006
06-04-2007, 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer
I fly towards the Dragon City on Fayuro, with Swift's sakkat slung over my left shoulder.
*Can't believe it's been four days since my last post. It's about time to go back to my other man Kazuhide, who is still very much alive.*
The Dragon Mountains soon vanish behind me as my black dragon Fayuro soars pass them. As I enter Dragon Territory, the headset over my left ear starts to beep again. I press a side button on the device, and it activates. It is my master again, the old elf. "Yes master"? I speak into the device. "Kazuhide, have you reached the Empire yet?" I'm silent for a moment, a bit embarassed at my ability to hurry. "No master, I am still in the air, I shall be at the Dragon's base soon. They don't know that I have left." I shift my body and balance Swift's sakkat on my knee. "I see, do not tell Swiftant of the Elven Stronghold underground. Just make him follow you, I will leave it up to your cunning to convince him, but do not speak of the lair until you are far from Shakura's reach". So my master was leaving everything up to me. If I acted poorly, then the Elf's plans of a revolt could sour. It is a heavy burden to bare, but I shall do it for my people and my city. "Yes master, I shall have Swiftant come with me, he will not be told about you. But I will have to tell him I am a mole inside the Dragon government."
"Do as you wish Kazuhide." the transmission ends, and I land Fayuro on the balcony to my bedroom high in a tower in the Dragon castle. I was an Elite in Shakura's army, so it was only natural that my place of living would be so high up in the castle next to the Queen herself. I must find a guard and ask him where Swift is. I will act casual, and pretend that I know nothing of this betrayal. I am simply just returning something of his.
I travel down a staircase and make my way to the prisons. A guard told me that he saw Swift before lurking about. Another told me that he was traveling to the caves below the prison. So I return to my room, hop upon Fayuro and fly down to the Caves.
***I was thinking that maybe the thing that SS was talking about in her last post, how Swift saw something coming towards them, maybe it can be Kazuhide on his black dragon ???***