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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Thumbs up 06-04-2007, 03:52 PM

I want to go to Tokyo and all those big cities really bad! Skyscrapers and all those buildings would be absolutely amazing to see. Night and day exploration would be a crazy experience! I want to be in Tokyo at night the most, when all the neon lights are on, and all the TV's on the buildings light up the dark sky! The strange thing is, I have seen skyscrapers for the first time about 3 years ago.

I'd want to say that I would spend a Holiday visit probably exploring the shrines, nature, villages etc. I'd love to go to Hokkaido in the winter, and just look at everything, but as Glaylover said, in order to see real Japan, you have to see both. The cities may be a big part of their lives now, but so are the shrines and statues, they are a symbol of their past and everything they stand for. So I think, in order to not mix moods, and first experiences, it is best to spend 2 Holiday trips there. One for city then the other for rural. But then when you get used to it, see both at the same time!!!!!

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 06-04-2007 at 03:54 PM.
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