Thread: Gundam 00
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Gundam 00 - 06-04-2007, 09:32 PM

New Gundam series just announced a few days ago. Looks kinda sweet actually, but of course that's going from a 14 second trailer with about 8 seconds of actual footage. No word on whose involved in production yet as far as I know. Release date supposedly around the end of summer. - User Movie: Gundam 00 teaser by Advent

Now I've never been much of a Gundam fan. The older ones lack of art quality tended to turn me off. 08th MS team had some sweet stuff, and the original was certainly ahead of it's time, but otherwise it's all been a little too super-robot-ish for my taste. However, still coming off the Eureka Seven high I've been in the mood to tread into new territory here and won't mind a bit of plot armour and lack of realism.

Now we've been discussing this on 4chan for a few days, and a lot of people have declared it auto-fail for bishonen character designs. Basically SEED only worse. This of course is baseless until we've actually seen the show, but I can see how the art style implies a sort of emotional girly man sort of plot for being the next installment of the mecha staple series. Also, after SEED and SEED Destiny, most Gundam fans are still pretty pissed off (understandably so.)

So, for the moment the question remains, will it be an epic failure or an awesome win? I'm actually very positive about it. From the vid the mecha designs seem to be considerably outside of the standard Gundam mould. Instead of the iconic white with blue torso we have a uniform blue and white scheme and a sweet looking green one, both sporting a more streamlined look then we're used to seeing. As for bishi character designs, it doesn't bother me as long as the art quality is superb, which it looks like it is. As long as we don't get the SEED everbody looks the same effect I'm content. I reserve final judgment until Ive seen it of course, but I can't help but say I'm excited.
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