Thread: Gundam 00
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Samael (Offline)
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06-05-2007, 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by Firu View Post
yay! i'm glad to hear there's a new gundam series. gundam wing was the first anime i ever saw so i always get excited to hear of new stuff. i must admit though i did like seed and seed destiny(sorry).those few shots in that trailer looked pretty cool,any ideas to what the plot for this one is?
Haha, no need to apologize for that, it's all preference.

Only vague details so far, but the plot follows similar themes to other Gundam series. The enemy in this case is a militant organization trying to unify the human race to prevent future war. Technically the pacifists are the bad guys here, which may prove an interesting twist, but the concept of the "war to end all wars" is certainly familiar. Another interesting note is that this series takes place in our time line, 2370 AD as opposed to the UC time line and all the others I can't remember.

Here's hoping for no Char clone and no colony drop, been done to death. XD

Can't help but look forward to this though. Gundam is always something I've wanted to be into, but can never find a series I really enjoyed, so every time a new one starts I'm hoping it will be the one to give me an appreciation for the others. Must say I like what little I see so far, but being so little it's hhard to say if it means much. I'll post as soon as I see a better trailer. I'm keeping a close eye on this one.
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