06-05-2007, 12:07 PM
I think the best series around is Boogiepop Phantom, it just works really well as a combined package of novels, manga, anime and a live action film.
It's not the easiest of series to work out what's going on but once you watch the live action film the anime is a lot easier to follow. It really forces you to think about the issues presented, who we are, the nature of society and our own realities etc.
The visual style of the anime is also so unlike anything else that's out there, plus it's very creepy and disturbing in places. So basically a very unique and interesting series that nobody else seems to be really into... ah well.
(Oh I've just read that TheSilence listed it, I'm so glad it's not just me then!)
Last edited by Haggis : 06-05-2007 at 12:11 PM.