Originally Posted by MasterHien
sorry to disappoint you but sasuke didnt beat garaa infect he was loosing untill naruto came and save his a@@ lol, basically naruto was the one fighting and sasuke was watching and protecting sakura since she was tuck to a tree by garaa technique and then the fight goes on garaa show his true form cant remember name and than naruto summon frog boss then they start to fight and then naruto change garaa i think cant remember
yep yep yep sasuke comes very close but the other sand nin get the way and it nartuo end up beating and change Gara forever because they are really more a like then any one else. there pains are the same other people have simlar pain and they point it out a lot but Gara and Naruto pain are the same expect naruto had other help sooner then gara had some one help him.
you must be watching the crappy american dub hu??? if so you need to catch up with the rest of us go download or buy the japanese copies with subtiles. they ruined narto and any one want to tell him when to stop watching so they don't have to sit thru the 1 years worth of fillars or is it two years now i don't know can't wait til that crap is over.