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(#52 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
06-07-2007, 04:35 AM

Spirited Away is an AMAZING film! My favorite part of the movie is when she is walking to the train station in the water. Then No Face joins her and they go to Zeneba's house. The travel on the train, and the walk through the forest I like the most. I don't know why, it gives a sad feeling but I love it. The music they play at that time is also very comforting and relaxing.

The colors and the designs are really great too. I love the characters, and the bath house, it is very big and every detail is shown. I have never seen it in Japanese, just English only, and it is surprisingly well done. (My favorite Miyazaki movie.)

Howl's Moving Castle is also very good. The imagination put into it rivals Spirited Away. The characters and the events/storyline is very good, but I like Spirited Away's better. Howl is a cool character and so is Markel, Sophie, Calsifer(sp?) etc. The whole Moving Castle is amazing, and I like how it goes through many forms.
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