06-07-2007, 10:03 PM
I make visual and many other styled clothes by myself for me and my friends by looking J-rockers clothes, it is not difficult if you have imagination. ^^
My style changes almost every week, now I feel a bit oshare so I'm wearing oshare. Few months ago I had visual kei month and I weared only visual. I got compliments of my clothes and I started to make clothes for my friends too. It is fun. ^^ Maybe I could send pictures of visual kei clothes I have made? When my camera gets fixed I will send, please look forward for it. (:
I like visual kei bands too. I have been on many visual kei concerts. They are the best and the most interesting. In concerts everybody wears interesting clothes and it is a paradise for imagination. I get many ideas from there.
I'm looking forward for next concert.