Originally Posted by YaksokuDa
Shouldn't the word be Japanophile? =___=
Bah if it means I like Japan a lot or too much then yes!!!
Japanophile actually means that you have a strong interest and knowledge/scholarship in one or more aspects of J-culture (same as Francophile, Germanphile, etc goes to their corresponging countries).
Wapanese, on the other hand, is a person who idolizes everything about Japan, believing that the grass is greener there and the sun shines brighter, that is why one will try to be as similar to Japanese people as possible... quite oftenly, taking it too far and becoming an exile of their own culture. The term "wapanese" (White + Japanese = Wapanese) has been typically used on Americans who tend to be/ act like they were Japanese, but recently this label is being attached to people from all over the world, who have
exaggerated interest in Japan...