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IamKira (Offline)
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06-11-2007, 02:43 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I have no idea what you were doing, but it seems really weird that something so weird would happen to you not just once, but twice in the same short period of time.
I`ve never been pickpocketed. I`ve left my bag sitting on tables, and never had it touched.

Are you SURE you were in Japan and not some other country? Because packs of poor orphans stealing your stuff at the airport does NOT seem likely.
Ok....I'm sorry to say this.....and I mean it in the nicest way, but that is just plain dumb......In every single country out there, there are many people who wouldn't look twice to take someone elses belongings....I've never heard someone just blatently say that they don't take precautions against it.......I mean, I think the only reason I have never been mugged in any way is that I have a hand firmly on my camera bag strap or the bag itself......also, I don't really do this, but it is a good idea to wear tight pants when you are carrying a wallet........therefore, there is no chance of a hand getting in there without you noticing......

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