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Hatredcopter (Offline)
In the middle of nowhere!
Posts: 537
Join Date: May 2007
Location: 山口県
06-11-2007, 05:02 AM

What do you mean by northern Japan? Northern Honshu or Hokkaido?

Northern Japan (Tohoku) also has a very distinct dialect that's different from standard Japanese . Unless you're talking about Hokkaido - most of the people there do speak standard Japanese.

Where you move is going to be limited to where you get employed at. Both of you need to get a job (and a visa of course). You might be hard pressed to find a decent job as a semi-fluent gaijin in some of the less 'international' areas of Japan, although teaching English would be your best bet.

The only city I've been to in northern Japan is Sendai - it's a very beautiful place, and certainly a decent-sized city.
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