06-11-2007, 08:42 AM
Inuyasha was the first anime I ever obsessed over. But I have many loves, and many hates concerning it. Let me tell you a few.
Love the people. All very unique, and such. I however hate Kagome's constant, "INUYASHA!!!" and "SIT!!" screams, which for some reason MUST happen at the end of every episode and movie. When I was watching the 2nd
movie, I got sooooooo annoyed with Kagome's voice, I screamed at the TV, "ALRIGHT! THATS ENOUGH!!!" Not to mention that Inuyasha himself does his fair share of, "KAGOME!!!"s.
I love the story. Its deep, and has nice little twists. I hate how it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Ever. Its like five retards wandering around and around a circle going, "duuuhhhh... what way now?!" until it finally gets to something important, ends in two episodes, and starts the filler crap over. The only episodes I really like are the ones that ARENT fillers. Only some of the fillers were good, in my opinion.
I don't like the movies that came out ~.~ the only one I really enjoyed was the 2nd one. Because EVERYTHING I ever dreamed of happening happened. Rock on. But the three others? 1st, boring. 3rd? Interesting. But boring. 4th? Ok... now you're just making movies to be making movies!! The 4th was the worst!
Lastly. WHY does the creator ALWAYS end her animes with you asking questions, and being pissed off? GAH! I hate you!!
I guess I'm not as big of a fan as I once was ~.~ I guess its because I've seen better animes now. When the day comes that Inuyasha is finally finished (manga wise), I'll give that one a shot.
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