mmmm yea too bad popping is always a side show for break events which rack in the most money and the most amounts of fans.
hes good at poping but breaking takes a hell of alot more skill once you get to the competitive level.
you may LIKE popping more, but the fact of the matter is BBoying is more popular and makes more money. And poppping spawns from the break scene.
and comparing popping to breakdancing is like apples and oranges.
every style has their own difficult moves, but ask any one in the scene. therse more breaker who can pop then there are poppers who can break.
the fact is breaking takes alot more strength, skill, body control, timing, and joint training.
not to say i dont like poping i jus strongly disagree that you could say poping completely owns breaking, when the origins came out of the scene which breaking created.
You watch him pop and sell out to Soda Commercials
then you take a look at Rivers and gamblers crew from Korea
who do you think has more talent.
oh and not to mention the literally Thousands of bboy events and competitions that go on every year compared to the amount of popping events.
in fact no one goes to watch popping events unless there apart of a Break events Intermission.
YouTube - Born Rivers Crew in Armory Cup Korea
^^^^ strength, power, and skill