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Hatredcopter (Offline)
In the middle of nowhere!
Posts: 537
Join Date: May 2007
Location: 山口県
06-12-2007, 10:02 PM

Age: 21
Years as a student: 3
Kind of learning center (university, language school, etc.): University

Why do you study Japanese?
Because I'm preparing to work and live in Japan, and I quite like the language itself.

Do you think it is a difficult language to learn?
Maybe - Chinese and Korean are either more or less difficult in various ways, but Japanese definitely isn't easy...

What are the main difficulties you face when learning Japanese? Why?
Kanji memorization - because there are a couple different readings for each kanji, and some kanji can have more than 18 strokes.

What is the easiest thing to learn? What did you learn first?
Hiragana and Katakana - I learned those first, as should everyone else who wants to study Japanese.

How long does it take to get used to the Japanese alphabet?
About 3 weeks to learn Hiragana and Katakana. Kanji is a different story - I know about 800 of them after 3 years of study, and I won't know enough to be fluent for another year at least. It takes several years to learn enough kanji to be fluent.

What was the first thing you were taught?
See above - Hiragana/Katakana, after that we started learning simple vocabulary and verb usage.

What are the most common mistakes?
Placing a word in the wrong order, forgetting a kanji >_<

What will your knowledge of the language be useful for in the future?
I plan to work in Japan after I graduate this upcoming year, so I'll need to know the language to live and perform my job properly.
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