06-13-2007, 02:46 AM
I never said it was. However Japanese need to understand that some foreigners are highly capable to do the same jobs that Japanese can do. To just judge gajin and assume they're not capable of doing a job (they don't have the skill or knowledge because they're not Japanese) well that's really not fair and it's not even ethical morally. I imagine it's not easy to adjust to Japanese culture as a foreigner because it's more then likely completely different then the culture you grew up in. Yes I know it's not easy; I can say this just by learning their
language, it's very complicated and it's not easy to master.
Not racially prejudiced? They have a fear of foreigners which tends to make them bias. They view males as the superior gender. Who do you think primarily dominates Japanese society when you look at the genders? Female or male? If you're going to say that they have no prejudice at all in their culture then you're probably wrong.
I mean in America, look at how the 50's and 60's have done with our view about minority groups (African Americans and Latinos; even though U.S. tries to promote accepting diversity in cultural groups, some people can still view them as inferior simply because of what race they are; it all depends on what time period they were raised in). Look at what the whole 9/11 incident has done; look at how it's made us view Arabs or anybody from the Middle East or Saudi Arabia.
Same goes for what Americans did to Japanese during World War II and why the Chinese and Japanese basically despise each other. Why do the Japanese hate the Chinese? Because from what I've heard, throughout history Chinese have frequently invaded Japan and tried to make at as part of their country if you will.
Chinese hate the Japanese because they used many Chinese refugees as comfort women (sex slaves). They promised food to them if they returned the to their place of shelter, although it had been burned down to the ground by Japanese. They basically just gave an empty promise as bait to lure them. They raped Chinese and Koreans until they could get no more pleasure from them sexually then killed them. They essentially treated them like slaves in every meaning of the word; and they did it mostly to Chinese and Korean women they saw them as beautiful and sexually attractive. Most Japanese won't even acknowledge that they did such horrendous things to Chinese and Korean, so I can understand why Japanese have left a bad
taste in the mouths of Koreans and Chinese, why they don't trust them, and why they're a wee bit bitter.
There are many wonderful and unique things about the Japanese culture. However it's not a utopia, and just like any other culture, they do things that are morally wrong and much of
the time really end up hurting people emotionally because of it (as in seeing a Japanese female or a female in general as inferior simply because of her gender).
Last edited by kawaiineko : 06-13-2007 at 02:51 AM.