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06-13-2007, 08:42 AM

Originally Posted by kawaiineko View Post
First off i never claimed to know everything you jerk. I never said I did.
First of all I`ll say I don`t want this to dissolve into a flame war, and I don`t plan to respond to this in an angry way. I will simply point things out in a factual way. You can choose to accept them or not.

You never say "I know everything." However, you do repeatedly say "I know" something or other. This is saying that you know something. As you say that repeatedly on just about every part of your message, it implies that you know about all the things you are "asking" about.

I said Japanese fear foreigners because they've had bad experience in their history with foreigners. I said that possibly that could result to possible prejudice in Japan. I was asking how bad it actually was, if it was true or if it was just stereotypes. I didn't know whether it was true or not, that's why I asked.
Yes, but you say (And I quote)
Not racially prejudiced? They have a fear of foreigners which tends to make them bias. They view males as the superior gender. Who do you think primarily dominates Japanese society when you look at the genders? Female or male? If you're going to say that they have no prejudice at all in their culture then you're probably wrong.
That doesn`t sound like "I don`t know if this is true or not." You are saying that Japanese people DO have a fear of foreigners. They DO treat women as inferior. And if anyone says that you are not right, that THEY are wrong.
I say this is wrong, and I say it based on experience. Therefore, the attitude in statements like that frustrates me because it implies that you know something which you clearly do not.

You have no right to make assumptions about me when you don't know the first thing about me. People here HAVE said that sexism is prevalent in Japanese culture to an extent because of the glass ceiling thing with careers and females.
And I have done my very best to explain these things, as (as far as I can see) these statements are coming from either a) people who have never been to Japan, or b) Men who don`t know how Japanese women actually feel or think about these things. (and who admit it)

I didn't say I know everything; that's your perception. You judging me and making assumptions about me is really beginning to annoy me too!
If you don`t want people to think you are saying that you know all these things, then please stop saying "I know this" or "I know that" - especially when you really don`t. I do indeed agree that you don`t know much about Japan. It`s just the way you write it that is irritating to me. If you want to know something, ask a question, don`t say "I know this" and then expect an answer that fits perfectly inside of what you say you know.

You assume I've done research on every single aspect of Japanese culture when I haven't!
I haven`t assumed anything like that. I am only assuming that you actually meant "I know" when you typed it. It is clear that you don`t actually know these things, as your information is incorrect. I will ask again, politely, that you not say "I know such and such" when you do not know whether it is true or a total fabrication.

they fear foreigners rather then act bias and condescending toward them.
And again, despite two people - who both are actually IN Japan - telling you so far that Japanese people do not fear foreigners, you state it as a fact. No one fears foreigners here. But yet, you somehow refuse to accept this. Most likely because you "know" that they do fear foreigners. This is what frustrates me. People are answering you, telling you that it isn`t the case, and you STILL state that you KNOW it`s true.

Essentially it's my opinion; fyi genius an opinion isn't fact, it's just what a person THINKS personally on a subject you baka!
Yes, but an opinion isn`t generally stated as fact - You normally say "I have heard" or "I think" or "It`s my opinion that..." NOT "I know".

Yeah I've never moved to Japan but just because I have my own perspective based upon what I've heard doesn't necessarily mean I'm right. As said before the reason I started this post was so I could find out if sexism and prejudice run rampant in Japan like many gajin think.
That is perfectly fine. I have no complaints with the reason for this thread - my complaint is that you won`t believe anyone when they tell you that your opinion/perspective isn`t actually true. Which is why I asked why you even asked - if the answer doesn`t go along with the opinion you have formed, you ignore or discount it.

Go screw yourself baka and stop making assumptions about me.
I`ll pass on the screwing myself part.

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