First of all, before I go post happy, I want you all to know that this isn't another fanfiction or anything of the sort. Last time I attempted a fanfiction, I got yelled at because some retard didn't like how I weaved my story. So, I'm just sticking at what I do best, writing stories with hints of my life pasted in it. Right now I'm still in the editing process and if you'd like to print out the chapters and edit, please do! I need all the help and support I can get!
Thank you!
PS. the links are from my blog, so if something doesn't work, I need to know
Chapter 1 - /
Welcome to the inside of my brain - Faerie Tale: Kapitel Eins
Chapter 2 - /
Welcome to the inside of my brain - Faerie Tale: Kapitel Zwei
Chapter 3 - /
Welcome to the inside of my brain - Faerie Tale: Kapitel Drei
Chapter 4 - /
Welcome to the inside of my brain - Faerie Tale: Kapitel Vier