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(#20 (permalink))
kawaiineko (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 42
Join Date: May 2007
06-13-2007, 05:15 PM

I said I know it's true AFTER people living in Japan clarify this to me. I said "I know this" because it's what I've been told, it's what I ASSUME to be true ( I don't know whether it's right or wrong, that's why I ask). Did you happen to miss the part where it said that all of that was my opinion, and I just said that when "I know about this or that" with Japanese culture that's it's my opinion (doesn't make it right or wrong).

I TOLD people I didn't know whether it was true and that I wasn't trying to start things. If people become oversensitive and react in a wrong way, that's not my fault; I can't wave a wand and control how receptive they'll be to reacting to what is being typed. This is what is being told to me.

I made this post to see how true the rumors of racism and sexism are in Japan. I believe (are you happy now or are you going to verbally attack me and lecture me for this too) were in Japan that sexism does exist in Japan because of the glass ceiling in Japan.

I believe men in Japan do view themselves as the superior gender, because it's how they're raised and it's what the culture tells them, so it influences them. I could be wrong with all of this because when I say "I know" it's how
I'm phrasing what I believe based upon what's been told to me. It's my opinion I didn't say it was right or wrong.

Oh and nyorin some of the quotes you posted earlier were from a completely different person on this forum. Those words weren't typed by me with some of those phrases. Oh yeah with the last part if you know anything about the English language is called sarcasm. I really don't like you; you've made assumptions about me and judged me ever since I came to this forum. You don't agree with what I say, fine. That doesn't give you the right to act like a jerk to me, that's why I get angry with you. To me you're a judgmental condescending ass.

Oh and what I tend to do in Japan falls under two of the job categories recommended for
foreigners: entertainer, hostess and entrepeneur. Believe it or not when people don't act like complete jerks to me and don't incessantly ASSUME things about me (judging me as a result; oh since when did nyorin take the position of God? we'd all be screwed if you were God)

Last edited by kawaiineko : 06-13-2007 at 05:28 PM.
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