06-13-2007, 06:32 PM
Okay you have done nothing but make assumptions about me (whether you meant to or not). When I say you quoted a different user with some of the quotes you made, two of them weren't quotes I made, those were from a separate user. I'm not asking for "special treatment".
I don't appreciate it when people make assumptions about me, it comes of as condescending and really judgmental and you don't know anything about my life. Yeah I'm well aware I don't know alot of the Japanese culture because I'm not immersed in it. However I am attempting to learn about it which is why I make these posts.
Then people act condescending and start assuming things about me and start "bashing" me, and I really don't appreciate being treated that way. People take things the wrong way then they take it out on me.
When you made the assumption that I was arrogant, well that's really wrong, because if you met me in real life, I'm really humble. Further clarification regarding this.....what I put were my own personal thoughts on the topic, my opinions. I never said I was right or wrong.
When I said "I know" I never meant to imply "I'm right, everybody else is wrong". Not really, that
was what I believed based upon what was told. I didn't know how true these things were (regarding prejudice and sexism in Japan) that's why I asked, because I didn't know. What I said was merely opinion, I never claimed I was right or wrong, I was unsure. If people can't understand that, well sorry but they'll just have to deal.
If you're going to say Japan is a utopia, I seriously doubt it. Sadly there is no place like that on earth. Every culture in the world is going to be doing something that is unethical in some
shape or form. There isn't a culture in the world who thinks that women aren't the inferior gender. People always seem to think a male is perfect, stronger, better simply because of their gender which is wrong. They have weaknesses and flaws too. For people to look down on women (or men) because of their gender is wrong. For people to look down on somebody because if their race is wrong; none of these practices are ethical; it makes the group feel inferior as a human being.
Last edited by kawaiineko : 06-13-2007 at 08:03 PM.