Originally Posted by Housetek
well when you say so and so is much better or owns somthing else, it will tend to stir up somthing.
and like i said many times you cant compare the 2.
in both styles you use your Entire bottle.
Breakdancing is a little more complicated as there is 2 main styles and 2 stages.
We got Freezers and power moves. And you got the toprock stage and you got your downrock.
Toprock is the dancing style and downrock is the sixstep and the power move that follows.
Both stages are danced to music, and the close you can follow a beat the better you are.
Popping, theres few differnt styles but the Routine is basicly the same every time.
You basicly just start dancing to the beat, using methods of Popping, glides, locking, ticking, tutting, etc. etc.
Cept in Popping the beat is crucial, if you miss a beat, then you pretty much suck or ruined your Routine.
Both require skill, cept Breakdancing is more physically intensive.
hence why although i love both arts to death, but I still find that Break dancing is more difficult to master.
To me saying popping is much better then breakdancing is like hearing some one say Pocket/Gem Fighter is better then the original Street Fighter 2=P
your saying a dance form is better then what it spawned from.
I live the life style and a true believer that for 4 elements of hip hop are the true greats and will continue to be that way for all time.
Dj, Mc, Beatbox, and Bboying.
i know your trying not to argue but with bold comments and thread topic such as yours, its hard not to defend bboying.
yeah thats true, that u wanna defend ur belifs, but i must say this popping didnt come form breakdance, there was some kind missunderstatings , cus in the 70 i think it was some palcese popping was calld also breakdanceing cus of some ppl called it that way ...
baisicly some thing like this happend
The mainstream media contributed to the spread of popping and its related styles through movies such as Breakin', but also introduced a naming confusion by putting them all under the label breakdance, conflicting with the distinct floor-oriented dance by the same name (at that time known as breaking).
Bro to CN and to Musashi
evil dentist shinigami captain who's reiatsu powers match Kenpachi and Ullriquora put together! to Aoshi
The cool old bro, who teases hes younger bro NIghtmare
Protective bro to curious_jane
Choco the family guardian

Teasing brother to wbslngr
Personal Bodyguard - Michieru
My pretty maid - Ayame90
and a very loyal butler - ImmortalFlare
Right Hand Mistress of Darkness-QuoyaNatsume