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(#30 (permalink))
Kanji_The_Wanderer's Avatar
Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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06-13-2007, 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by kawaiineko View Post
First I am an adult. Second, everybody has pet peeves. When you strike these nerves with people, they're going to take offense to it, because it's their pet peeve. My pet peeve is when people make assumptions about me or come off as judgmental or condescending. People here, whether they meant to or not, have come off that way when responding to me, and it offended me.

Well it is still possible to talk to someone without all the name calling. They made you mad, so you don't have to try to get even or get back at them by calling them something. So you are an adult, well then you should know how to act accordingly in these types of situations. In this post you didn't write any name calling. As long as you do that, then this thread can stay open.
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