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kainpendragon (Offline)
JF's Ero Sennin
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12-14-2006, 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by Riku8 View Post
2. i doubt they have even decided how to link naruto to the forth
3. cant wait to see narutos new jutsu
I can tell you now because i been writing my own stories that something like was decied way back when. when you make a story about a charater you write his background frist then write your story around that and where you want each peace of his back ground to come out in the story. That connection was decided by the author back before issuse one came out. very one else backgrouds are writen after because they are there to enhance the main charater of your story.

i don't think it going to look much different. it may have a different color and have like Mr. satan hurcle from DBZ says "with there Facey Light shows and cheep trick"

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin
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