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samokan (Offline)
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06-15-2007, 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
That one never bothered me - one of my childhood friend`s dad would take her around on the bicycle like that when she was really little (and I would watch) so it more brought back memories than anything else.
And now I ride around with my son on the front of my bicycle, but I have yet to do the umbrella one with him on there too.
We never had this one in the Philippines, biking is not really popular in my country, so I found really amazing

I`m guessing you didn`t go to a school that needed uniforms? In the US, my school had a uniform, and yes - it involved short skirts in the winter. And we didn`t even have those warm-looking socks. It would drop down to like -20C and our legs would turn blue. :P
I did actually wore uniform, from prep school to high school. But the length MUST be below the knee and that's not even a Catholic school. My University does not have uniform so wear anything. Wearing that kind of skirt in School would have your teachers glaring out you, and you would probably be sent home and your parents called by the teacher The "Maria Clara" concept is still pretty dominant in the Philippine culture

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