Originally Posted by badtzmary714
Please help me translate this introduction about my family:
My family is small. My father died because he was sick, when I was younger. My brother died also when I was younger. All of my grandparents have died. My dog also died. My father owned a bus transportation company. My brother was a high school student. My mother lives in New York, and we talk on the phone sometimes. I have two children, but no husband. My daughter is ten years old, and little. My son is six years old and tall. We are a small family.
Thank you so much if anyone can help with this! 
私の家族を紹介します。私の父は私がまだ若いころに病 気で亡くなりました。兄も高校生でしたが亡くなりまし た。祖父や祖母たちも亡くなっています。飼っていた犬 も死んでしまいました。父はバス会社のオーナーでした 。
母はNYに住んでいます。電話でよく話をします。私には1 0歳で小柄な娘と、6歳で背が高い息子がいますが夫はい� ��せん。