06-17-2007, 08:10 PM
I'm sorry about your family who was killed in the war. I respect your father and his choice not to fight for something he doesn't believe in. Same thing is going on right now with Iraq.. A lot of people now (ex soldiers) believe that it was waste of lives and money on that war. I think so too. It is very hard to live here and have everything you wish. People who want to come here think it is so easy in the USA. But really, you have to work hard and may be even multiple jobs to have a decent life with health insurance roof under your head, food and education... Sometimes I think I'm a disappointment to my parents cause they are such perfectionists and I'm not.

I try to run away, forget it all…
The years pass, but pain remains.
These memories are like a thorn
Embedded deep in my heart…
It’s draining me drop by drop.
I can’t stop thinking about the past
The pain is too great, to just let it pass..