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JonHasegawaNEXT (Offline)
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Smile What Anime character are you - 01-07-2016, 05:16 PM

Hey J-Forum Community,

I recently started having this weird urge to be like somebody from an anime I just finished watching. This is something that often occurred to me after binge-watching anime for a few days. For example, after finishing the Buu-saga from DBZ I began to schedule a workout routine and exercised like a madman for weeks in order to get in shape like Goku
I thought maybe you guys could relate to this since many people find role models in their favorite anime series.

What do you guys think about the idea of being totally immersed in your favorite anime characters and emulating their lifestyle? Are you looking up to someone or do you sometimes catch yourself putting yourself in someone else's (in this case a fictional character's) shoes to make decisions?

I'm eager to hear your opinions and look forward to examples from your own lifes!
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