A: おい かぜのたにの やつらは ちゃんと はたらいて いるか?
Hey, are those guys from the valley of wind working hard?
B: ああ さむさにつよいと きくだけあって もんくもい わず はたらいているぜ。
もっとも いわせないようにしてるけどな。ヒヒヒヒ・ ・・
They're working without complaint, as might be expected from people who can handle the cold, or it's the work keeping them quiet, hahaha.
A: やつらには もっとしっかりと はたらいて もらわな いとな。
They must work even harder.
This is from an old NES game called God Slayer, two guards are discussing some newly arrived slaves. If more context is needed just let me know.
I'm just wondering if I have made any mistakes in my translation, I understand it's not the best English wording, that is something I will hopefully improve upon but I'd like to be literal to show how I understood the sentnce.
Any help appreciated
