Thread: Confused...
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IhrTodeswunsch (Offline)
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Confused... - 06-19-2007, 08:39 PM

Hello, I'm pretty new here. It's my dream to go to japan, so that's why I'm on here:

Anyways, I was curious as to if anybody knows, how to get hair like kyo's in this Picture. (I know it's probably weird as a guy posting in the Fashion)

How you'd get it cut, and all that stuff. Things like, how would it even look when it's down? All mis-shapen? Just things like that? Right now, my hair is about down to the top of my elbows, and to my mid back on my back. If I ever get a Camera, I'll post a picture of it.
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File Type: jpg kyo.jpg (12.3 KB, 28 views)
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