Originally Posted by MMM
Subs are always different than dubs because they have to cut or add dialogue to fit with the characters mouths when dubbing. Of course it will be pretty close, but in my experience subtitles are more accurate.
Yea but with somthing that has a solid plot, even if they change alot of the words, it dosent really matter because they need to say basicly the same thing or it will change the plot.
For example:
If somone said "Im going to kill you"
they might translate it as "I will defeat you"
but they would never change it to "Im hungry"
because that would change the story.
but with a comedy there isnt always a solid story that need's all the plot to be the same, so they somtimes change a few of the jokes. There are some things they dont think wester audiences will find funny, so they change it.