looking for American Christians (or Japanese Christians) who live in Japan.... -
06-21-2007, 04:48 AM
I'm not trying to cause waves with this thread. I realize the primary religions in Japan are Buddhism (85%) and Shintoism (15%) which leaves Christianity as a minority religion. I have nothing against their religions.
If they choose to practice those religions, so be it. However, it's not my cup of tea, and I choose to follow Christianity. I'm looking for genuine Christians and if you fall under this category (whether you're a gajin or Japanese) please respond to this thread.
If you don't like or care for the Christian religion (or just respond with animosity toward this subject) please avoid this thread. Like I said, I'm not trying to cause trouble. If you don't like the religion of Christianity please avoid this thread. If you're not a Christian but interested in having philosophical debate (in a respectable and friendly manner) please feel free to respond.