Originally Posted by tourist08
Thanks for telling me that. I was pretty certain that the Japanese system was different, and now I know. Now all I have to do is convince my friends.  Which unfortunately for me, is easier said than done. One of them freaks out when it comes to money and one of my friends even said that once we get a house that is the one we are sticking with. So, basicly I have one friend down and four more to go. So thanks again for the tip. Hopefully the money issues won't be a problem because two people are going to be doctors, one a writer/translator, one a linguist/writer/translator, and hopefully I can find some person to back me up in my work as an Archaeologist. So, I hope the money won't be an issue. So I think I am going to look up building expenses and that now. Sorry for rambling because you are probably not interested in this at all. So sorry and thanks. 
Err... I think you somehow missed my big hint that it would NOT be something easy to do.
Mainly due to the loans. Even if you and your friends make a lot of money, $400,000 (really likely more) is not the type of thing normal people come up with in cash. No matter what, you`ll have to get a home loan - unless you`ve just neglected to mention that you`re all already millionaires.
Japan doesn`t do joint loans - this means that ONE of you will bear the weight of the loan. ONE of you is going to have to be a permanent resident and qualify for all the conditions the bank requires. That isn`t that easy. The bank will not even so much as look at anyone else planning to live there. It`s the one person who takes out the loan.
I don`t doubt the ability of you and your friends coming up with the payments each month - that`s the *easy* part. It`s getting the loan.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, if you plan on living in Tokyo, double the house price.
I can easily see this sort of thing being done in the US - but it isn`t the type of thing that is done in Japan, and I`m sure you`ll run into all sorts of walls in an attempt.