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Hatredcopter (Offline)
In the middle of nowhere!
Posts: 537
Join Date: May 2007
Location: 山口県
06-21-2007, 07:29 AM

Religion is not really a big thing in Japan these days. What difference does it make whether your friends are Christian or Buddhist anyway? Both religions have a high 'standard' of morality. Either way, there are Christian churches dotted all over Japan, although not many outside the bigger cities. In fact, the university that I studied abroad at was a Christian university. They held ceremonies for Christmas and Easter and all that.

You should have bigger concerns about Japan (such as earning your degree to get IN to Japan) rather than worrying about whether you'll be able to congregate with other Christians in Japan.

If you have something to debate regarding religion, have at it - I'm open to any conversation.
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