Originally Posted by kawaiineko
True, U.S. is a melting pot, but the official language in the United States is English.
I think you misunderstand and simplify the ethnic tensions in the US in many ways, but first of all, the US doesn't actually have an official language.
You may have been here for a long time and I only for a short time, but you are still just one gaijin lady living in Japan. There are lots of us out there and we may have different experiences.
I personally have seen people in Japan that looked terrified of me and have been denied entry into places simply on being a gaijin. I have seen signs outside of businesses (mostly businesses that I don't want to patonize) that say "Japanese Only." I was also told by someone in my company that it is more difficult to place female ALTs than male ALTs. Less Boards of Education are interested in women. I don't think kawaiineko's fears are completely unfounded.