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kainpendragon (Offline)
JF's Ero Sennin
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06-21-2007, 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by YaksokuDa View Post
I conclude! Through tough research and painstaking investigation, I have come to the conclusion...that there are 8! major perverts on this forum!
no there is not 8 major perverts if you read what is in the poll it does not mention anything about optional. it says yes or no should a person sex information be located for public veiw. some one who voted no like my self did so based on the fact that people should have the option of displaying person data. the way the topic is worded says that it should be required and nothing should be required for others to see. your 8 nos are more then likely because of this reason poor wording lead to those votes and there only one major pervert Here and it is me =)

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin