I will be glad to help you with your japanese..I started learning it in the 8th grade now I am in the 10th so I am kind of fluent in it...tell me what you want to know .... if you just want to learn it in general I will start you off with the greetings... they are:
Kon'nichiwa - Hello ; good afternoon
Moshi-moshi - you say this when answering the telephone
Genki desu ka - How are you?
Konban wa - Good evening
Ohayo gozaimasu - Good morning
Oyasuminasai - Good night
Sayonara ; bai-bai - Good-bye
Kangei suru - Welcome
Aisatsu suru - Greet (salute)
Aisatsu - Greeting
Kangei - Greetings
Like I said if you want to know anything inparticular just ask me...or If you want to continue like I am doing thats fine to..Well hope that helps some..looking forward to what you say.