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OtakuGaijin (Offline)
Otaku Rule!
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Location: Manhattan N.Y.
today's Japan, slightly different. - 06-26-2007, 03:35 AM

The good majority of Japanese women (about 75%) see their lives in the following steps, going to school, getting an education, learning traditional habits, getting a good job, finding the right man, getting married , and having kids, and so on and so forth.

Guess what they learn? this system sucks!

If any of you have read any information on the declining population which is now happening in japan, U can see that it is due to couples who later marry in their thirties and forties now,

Women in Japan are tired of the stereotype the world sees them in, and many have decided to enjoy a longer career in business and likewise.

Which is why Japan has literally opened its doors to outside workers,
especially foreign females,

This doesn't mean that is going to be easy, but a challenge is something that needs to happen in order for japan to change his ways of thinking,

I once told somebody that the Japanese respect those Gaijin who took the time to learn the language and the writing too!

to the young lady who began this Topic, U R beginning a new Adventure, and things like this will happen, so face it when the time come....

unbelievable stupidity!!!
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