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Cyath (Offline)
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Join Date: May 2016
Various questions - 05-20-2016, 05:34 AM

Hi all, I have been studying Japanese for some time now (over 10 years) but I occasionally still run into questions that I need answered, or things that I can phrase much better.

1. If 出会わなければ means "if I hadn't met" then by extension 見なければ、should be "If I didn't see" and しなければ "if I didn't do?" right? (I'm just adding the I to make the sentence clearer, I know Japanese has no subject most of the time.)

2. じゃ、それではかれに休むをとるほうがいいだと思いま す。 (Well, in that case I think he had better get some rest) Is there a better way to phrase this?

3.What is a good way to express "frames of references?" I used 基準点 or maybe 理解の共通点 but those feel a bit clumsy to be TBH.
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