Hello everyone

I'm new hear!

I chose the username "Sainokami" because sai no kami means god of travellers. It's a religious meaning
I'm looking for a song called "Meguru Sato, Meguru Kimi" by Tomoka Nagasu. Tomoka Nagasu is a Japanese musician who plays biwa and shakuhachi and released a CD in 2011 intitled "Meguru Sato, Meguru Kimi". I know isn’t j-pop… Tomoka is from a band called Rin’. I don’t know if someone knows this group. The group was active from 2004 to 200 and combined Japanese traditional instruments and electronic/pop elements. Has someone this CD? If someone has it, can rip the files into MP3? I want to do "Meguru Sato, Meguru Kimi" as a special present for a Japanese friend who plays koto and likes this song. To send me the file, my mail is
[email protected]
Arigatou gozaimasu!
PS: If you want to contact me via Skype, you're welcome