Please check my thank you card translation -
03-10-2017, 07:55 PM
Hello / Konnichiwa,
I am writing a thank you card to some business associates in Japan who sent me a Christmas card. I am studying Japanese, and have tried to craft a response in Japanese. Here' what I have...
思慮深い贈り物 は どうもありがとうございました。日本訪問の記念品に感 謝しています。今年 に 繁栄 をお祈りしています。
敬具, マイク・シャナハン
The romaji would be:
Shiryobukai okurimono wa dōmo arigatōgozaimashita. Nihon hōmon no kinenhin ni kansha shite imasu. Kotoshi ni han'ei o oinori shite imasu.
Keigu, Maiku Shanahan
I'm trying to say:
Thank you very much for your thoughtful gift. I am grateful for the memento of my visit to Japan. I wish you prosperity in the coming year.
I also am no certain how I should close the card. I would normally say "Sincerely, Mike ...". Is "Keigu" appropriate here?
Thank you for your help!!
,Mike Shanahan