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05-04-2017, 02:37 PM

It is very difficult for me to write about Japanese grammar in English. Anyway, I will continue explain what I think.

Sentences in western language has always confrontation of "doer (S:
subject)" and "doee (Object)" while sentences in Japanese language has not always such kind of confrontation.

I have an impression that English is a language where "I" or "you" and other thing are confronting while Japanese language treats everything even.

When I translate some Japanese sentences, the first thing I do is construct a confrontation. Without this step, I cannot make the elemental structure of English.

If I translate Japanese sentences word to word without confrontation, foreign people would ask me "then what is the point?"

Do you understand what I want to say? I'm not sure I could express what I think correctly. I will re-write again and again later on.

And I'm sue I was wrong writing "S-V-C" instead of "S-V-O". I will correct them.

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