は/が Particle Questions -
06-09-2017, 09:07 PM
Hello; I have a few questions about the particle は.
I know that は can be thematic (simply stating the topic), or contrastive (saying that X is Y, but these other things are not Y, for example). However, I am slightly confused. I've heard that が should be used when using は could indicicate contrast- i.e. when saying you enjoyed tonight's dinner, you should say こんやがおいしい, as using は there could say "Tonight's dinner was good, but yesterday's was awful". However, I've also heard that not stressing the は when speaking marks that it isn't contrast. So, would it be okay to use は with this sentence if you ensured that it wasn't stressed, or just in case someone could assume it was contrastive, should you use が just to be safe?