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06-24-2017, 03:53 AM

As a simple understanding, "YO" at the end of sentence means talker's will.

And there is another additional word "NE" which means "right?" or "isn't it?".

There are several such additional words in Japanese which enable "mind connection" in Japanese language.

When I was learning English, I felt difficult to express such "mind connecting words". One day I found English expressions are more easier to compose when I gave up the "mind connection" in the sentences.

"mind connection" is sometimes referred as "気:KI;atmosphere". You will find many Japanese phrases using "KI" like as "KI WO TSUKETE!:take care!", "KI NI NARU:it conserns", "KI GA KIKU:well considered" or "GENKI?are you) fine?".

"KI" is the key word (or KI-word) to learn Japanese.

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