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RadioKid (Offline)
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07-02-2017, 02:46 PM

Situation 1:

In manyy cases, "私が行きます:WATASHI GA IKIMASU;I will go." would be natural. "YO" would be used when other condition was satisfied like as you are already supposed to raise hand.

Situation 2:

"行くよ!:IKU-YO !;I will go " fits well.

Situation 3:

"行くよ!:IKU-YO!;I will go " would be good.
Also "行くぞ!IKU-ZO!: I will go " can be used.

"行こう:IKOU; let's go" would be used when you need to push other guy like he was still looking at TV or else.

Situation 4:

"行くよ!:IKU-YO!;I will do right now" fits well.

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