12-26-2017, 02:20 PM
>So you mean, the guy in the video is kind of wrong?
No, I don't mean he is wrong. It would be make sense for non-Japanese.
He says "GA" is used to refer to something "first time in the conversation". I have not such point of view. It is new to me.
In the movie, he explained "introducing new thing" as one functionality of "GA". It is acceptable for me.
>Could you give me an example where は would be used to introduce new information?
Does "将棋はチェスに似たボードゲームです:SHOGI WA chess NI NITA board game DESU" not work?
Or, how about "'ODORU SAM'MA GOTEN' is a name of a Japanese TV show" ?
As he mentioned in the movie at 14:00, "GA" is used to mark the subject. But it is confusing that there are three class of "GA": as a conjunction (DAGA, SORE WA MACHIGAI DA), as the subject marker (SORE GA MONDAI NANO DA) and the object marker (WATASHI WA SOBA GA SUKI DA). I can not explain this issue in smart manner.