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07-06-2019, 02:36 AM

**** 奇妙なご神体:きみょうなごしんたい;KIMYOU-NA GO-SHINTAI (strange enshrinement) ****

I'm not sure if I exactly understand what "enshrinement" means. I mean "something important placed in a church or shrine to prey on it" like as holly body or part of holly clothes by "enshrinement" or "ご神体:GO-SHINTAI" in Japanese.

Here is the enshrinement I'm going to introduce.

Shrine maiden holds strange "GO-SHINTAI".


Brides (married within a year) ride on the "GO-SHINTAI".

As Japanese have different thought about the sex compared with the western world, foreigner might be shocked at these pictures. Japanese think it is the origin of the life while it seems to be a kind of weapon in western world. I'm afraid I could not explain enough what I think.

Anyway, in those events, no one arrested for the "GO-SHINTAI" while you will be arrested when you expose your own "GO-SHINTAI" in public.

There are hundreds of events with theee "GO-SHINTAI" in Japan. Then how about female "GO-SHINTAI"? Yes, there are a few female "GO-SHINTAI" in Japan I found. But I will not disclose here. Learn Japanese and search it by yourself.

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