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07-20-2019, 02:44 AM

**** 風鈴:ふうりん: FUURIN (Wind Bells) ****

FUURIN is hanged just outside of a window to make cool(cold) feeling by the sound.

In fact, an examination (not strict) by a TV show proved that the temperature on the skin of Japanese people got down while the temperature of skin of foreign people (who do not know about the FUURIN) got up.

It was not a strict examination but Japanese people seemed to have got the characteristics as a conditional reflection.

here are 12 examples of FUURIN sounds.

1. NAMBU Iron Three Bells

2. Sanukite stone @IBARAKI

3. Grass @OTARU

4. Handmade metal



7. MYOCHIN fire chopsticks

8. NOUSAKU metal

9. NAMBU Iron (Small)

10. NAMBU Iron(Large)

11. NAMBU Iron(TDR version)

12. DAISO (100JPY shop)

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