03-01-2020, 01:05 PM
**** 日本人の名前:Names of Japanese ****
Japanese government officially stated that Japanese should describe their names as "family name first". I think it is very reasonable.
Japanese have been describing their names "individual name first" in alphabet to meet western standard. I did not like it and I usually describe Japanese names as "<family name>, <individual name>".
We have 120,000 family names in Japan (some document says 300,000). I have the list of Japanese family names which has 100,000 items.
On the other hand, the number of Japanese individual name is not known. I think the number of Japanese individual names is much less than the number of family names (I'm sure but have no evidence). Japanese family names should be the "first name" to call each other.
Therefore, it is very natural for Japanese to call their family names each other.
For some historical reason, most of Japanese Family names are related to the geographical objects. As for the individual name, it is reflection of what the parents hope for their child.
If you have japanese friends, ask them for the meaning of their family name and individual name. It will make good queque to have good relation with the friends.